Thomasville, Georgia

State of Georgia Government Funded and Non Profit Rehab Programs

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State and Government Funded Treatment Centers in Thomasville, ga

The State of Georgia has many state funded treatment options that are funded to provide addiction treatment for their residents. There are also medicaid accepted providers of substance abuse treatment. We have researched these along with Non Profit 501(c)(3) and County Rehab programs to provide a comprehensive list of provide at little to no cost for residents.

Many of these treatment plans can be free to the client based on your financial history.

For faster service, call 855-956-5034 to speak with one of our advisors. They are more familiar with the application processes and can guide you if you have any type of insurance.


Southwestern State Hospital

400 S. Pinetree Boulevard
Thomasville, GA - 31792

(229) 227-3020

Southwestern State HospitalMental Health substance abuse and services to the developmentally disabled...


Gateway Dual Diagnosis Community Residential Program

400 South Pinetree Boulevard
Thomasville, GA - 31799

(800) 715-4225

Gateway Dual Diagnosis Community Residential Program provides 20 bed residential program specializing in treating persons with co-occurring substance abuse use and psychiatric disorders. Must be referred by their local mental health center both sexe...

Treatment Centers near Thomasville

Due to the low number of listings in Thomasville, we have added additional rehab centers nearby. If you would like to add a FREE rehab center in Thomasville, Georgia please use this form

New Life Center for Women

170 West Circle
Camilla, GA - 31730

(229) 522-3585

Substance abuse services for pregnant or postpartum women Intensive day treatment Prenatal care Skills enhancement Outreach services Transportation Random drug screens Relapse prevention Counselor on site 24 hour on call staff NA/AA meetings GED/job reading...


Mitchell Co. Mental Health Center

502 Burum St.
Pelham, GA - 31779

(229) 294-6509

Mitchell Co. Mental Health Center services:Outpatient aftercare Family counseling Child and Adolescent ...


Turning Point Hospital

3015 Veteran's Parkway
Moultrie, GA - 31768

(229) 985-4815

Turning Point Hospital offers:Psychiatric partial hospitalization program (in-residence) Drug/alcohol detox Rehabilitation program Drug/alcohol dependency partial hospitalization (in-residence) Aftercare Patient follow-up Dual-diagnosis...


FADAA Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association

2868 Mahan Drive Suite 1
Tallahassee, FL - 32308

(850) 878-2196

Service Description: This professional organization offers workshops throughout the state, educational support and free information on alcohol or other drug abuse. Offers membership discounts for training in the area of addictions, treatment and prevention of substance abuse. Publishes a directory...


FSU, Dept of Health Promotion/Nutrition Services Thagard Student Health Ctr, 4th Fl

Tallahassee, FL - 32306

(850) 645-4868

The FSU Department of Health Promotion and Nutrition Services offers: a resource library brochures and posters presentations and peer health educationVolunteer Peer Educators sponsor health and wellness programs, including STAR (Students Teaching Alcohol Responsibility). Other areas addressed ar...

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